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Thursday, March 7, 2013 | 7:04 PM | 0 いいぐさ
Hello peeps :)

Recently, I got hooked on this app, and I am totally into it right now ! You guys ever heard of "LINE" ? It's like a Whatsapp and Skype merge together, allowing you to make free calls and messages to your friends and love ones. And they have created an official avatar service called "LINE Play" ! :D 


LINE Play is a place which allows you to create an alter-ego of yourself in the form of an avatar, decorate your own room while chatting and reading your friend's diary !

It has several features which makes this social networking game different from others :  

★ Picture Perfect Avatar
Just by taking a photo of yourself, it will be able to create an avatar which looks just like you ! But if you would rather customize an avatar to your liking, it's also possible ! You could choose between a normal male or female; or an animal avatar. There is an assortment of facial features and even tails for you to choose from ! 

★ Be Creative !
This is an app which encourages you to be yourself ! You can decorate your room with the various interior décor which is on sales in the in-game store as well as gearing your avatar with the latest fashion in LINE Play. You could purchase all those with Gems, which is the virtual money (: There are a total of more than 1500 items available for you to take your pick  from and they are constantly adding new items at a pace of 200 per week ! :o That's a huge range of stuff from you to choose from !!! 

Here's a peek of my room >.< 
I know that it's a little empty... Okay, fine ! I admit, it's VERY empty D: 
That's because the items are expensive and I don't have much Gems on me ! 
Just watch me make this space into a cozy little room for my avatar !!

★ Diary Time !
When you first started out the game, your room would have a table and 2 chairs. On the table, there would be a diary for you to pen down your thoughts and also to share photos with ! People who are visiting your room would have access to your diary and they would be able to comment on your photos and writings ! Personalize your diary further by designing it the way you want !

This is how your diary will look like, depending on the design template you choose for it :)

Look at how my avatar had grown since the very beginning ! :D
Whenever your avatar changes a piece of clothing or any facial features, a photo of your new avatar look will be published in your diary. This way, it allows you to monitor the growth of your avatar ;)
It's like watching your own baby grow up :') 
Pardon my Japanese, it isn't really that fluent and so I am using my diary to help me improve on my Japanese ~ 

★ Play with LINE Characters ! 
For those who are familiar with LINE, you would be able to recognize LINE's many characters such as Moon, James, Brown and Cony in various items like dolls and hats. You can use these to personalize your avatar and your room even more ! 

 ★ 1 to 1 Avatar Chat
You could also have a chat with your pals on LINE Play. Use the action stickers to make your avatar laugh, cry and even do back-flips ! It's too adorable for anyone to resist, I swear ! You could also change the whole atmosphere of the room, by changing the background of the chat. Have a go at it to see whether you like it :)

Here's a sneak peek at how the chat will look like.
I can't stand how cute they are >///<

★ Lounge Chat
If you want to hang out with other LINE Play players, you could visit the lounge. It's a place for you to interact with others and have a conversation about anything under the sun from films to travel or just anything that's on your mind :) Meet people and make new friends whom share similar interests as you ! 

★ Get Items with Gems !
Visit your friends' room to help clean it, water the plants or simply use their bath or bed ! By performing such actions, you will receive 10 Gems for free ! And whenever your avatar is feeling hungry or tired, by feeding them or making them go to bed respectively, you will receive 5 Gems ! Save up those Gems daily and purchase the adorable and gorgeous items that you have always wanted ! 

★ Link with LINE
And yes, you can play together with your LINE friends and even use your avatar as your profile picture on LINE !

Here's how the home page of LINE Play will look like :

Guys, what are you waiting for ? Download LINE Play and start your adventure in a little world of your :) But before that, please add me as a friend so we can all have fun together ! Send me hearts too ya :D My game id in LINE Play is Kumiko and please enter my invitation code as well !
Thanks so much 
[In case you have no idea where to enter the code, refer to the above home page image. Setting button (top right hand corner) --> Profile --> Invitation Code]
Thanks! I hope you all will have an enjoyable and fun stay in LINE Play !

I will be waiting for you in LINE Play ~

Blast from the PAST Time Travel to the FUTURE

◕ Yaguchi Kumiko ◕

I do adverts, reviews, events and photoshoot;
◕ Randomness Everywhere ◕

Drowning Whispers

We hide from mirrors so as to hide from our scars.
We are like roses that have never bothered to bloom when we should have bloomed and it is as if the sun has become disgusted with waiting.